I4a API PHP Example: Difference between revisions

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  $username = "adminuser1";  
  $username = 'adminuser1';  
  $password = "thepassword";
  $password = 'thepassword';
  $site_token = "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
  $site_token         = 'xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
  $wsdl_url =  'http://www.mysite.org/i4a/utilities/authenticateAdmin.cfc?wsdl';
  $wsdl_url =  'http://www.mysite.org/i4a/utilities/authenticateAdmin.cfc?wsdl';
  $search_url = "http://www.mysite.org/i4a/api/json_noheader/membership.contacts/lastname%20like%20b/";
  $search_url         = 'http://www.mysite.org/i4a/api/json_noheader/membership.contacts/lastname%20like%20b/';

Revision as of 16:47, 30 June 2011

I4A api guide

The following code will connect and retrieve all the contacts who have a lastname that starts with a b.


 * For the return format section of the URL, the following options are available:
 * 		json 			- returns a json packet WITH header.  The header includes the content type set to application/json
 * 		json_noheader 	- returns a json packet with NO header.  PHP seems to cannot decode a json packet if it includes 
 * 							a header, the header may be needed depending on how this API is used.
 * 		xml 			- returns an XML packet WITH header.  This will return the content type set to text/xml
 * 		xml_noheader 	- returns an xml packet with NO header.  This may be needed depending on your usage.
 * 		wddx			- an XML packet formatted in the WDDX specification. It includes a header set to text/xml.
 * 		wddx_noheader	- xml packet formatted to WDDX spec, does not include header.

 $username 		= 'adminuser1'; 
 $password 		= 'thepassword';
 $site_token 	        = 'xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
 $wsdl_url 		=  'http://www.mysite.org/i4a/utilities/authenticateAdmin.cfc?wsdl';
 $search_url 	        = 'http://www.mysite.org/i4a/api/json_noheader/membership.contacts/lastname%20like%20b/';
 // We need to authenticate, but once we have our authKey we won't need to repeat that
 $client     = new SoapClient($wsdl_url); 
 $adminXML    = $client->authenticateAdmin($username,$password,$site_token);
 $adminJSON = json_decode(json_encode((array) simplexml_load_string($adminXML)),1);
 dump($adminJSON,"response packet from authentication");
 $authKey = ($adminJSON['@attributes']['authKey']);
 echo '<hr>authKey='.$authKey.'/<br/>';

 // now we've authenticated and have our key, let's access the API...
 echo 'API URL='.$search_url . "<br>";
 echo "url string=".$search_url.$authKey . "<br>";
 // retrieve the http output into a variable.  Could use cURL functions as well most likely.
 $contactJSON = file_get_contents($search_url.$authKey);
 echo "<hr>Json Packet:<br>";
 echo $contactJSON;