I4A API 2.0

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For security purposes, I4A API 2 will only work on a secure port through HTTPS. To access any of the API functionality, you must first authenticate. Information is available on the API Settings page on how to obtain the values needed to authenticate and update them, if need be.

REST Authentication


curl --location --request POST 'https://<yourdomain.com>/i4a/api2/authenticate' \
--form 'username="XXXXXXXX"' \
--form 'password="XXXXXXXX"' \


    "expiration": "{ts '2022-10-25 16:03:47'}",
    "success": true,
    "error": ""

Once you have successfully obtained the authKey, you can then access a few different endpoints.

Contacts Endpoint

POST /i4a/api2/contacts/